Thank you for trying Keyboard Express!

You have been using the Keyboard Express free trial for a couple of weeks now. We hope you are getting the hang of it. Here are more ways to use Keyboard Express.

Multiple Keyboard Express macro files

Keyboard Express macros are saved in macro files (with the file extension .kex). Each file can contain one or many macros. You may find it helpful to divide your macros into groups with each group of macros in a separate macro file.

Suppose your organization has created a standard set of macros for use by everyone, your department has need of specific macros and you want each user to be able to create their own macros that no one else has. This can easily be done. Create a macro file for your company and have it stored on a network file accessible to everyone. Similarly, create a macro file for your department that is accessible by anyone in your department. Finally, allow each user to create a macro file on their workstation accessible only by them.

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