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Will Keyboard Express run in a Citrix or Windows Terminal Services environment?

Yes, Keyboard Express will work in a Citrix and/or Windows Terminal Services (WTS) environment. You can load Keyboard Express on the server, on the local workstation, or both.

If Keyboard Express is installed only on the server, keyboard macros will work with programs that are installed on the server but not those that run on the local workstation.

If Keyboard Express is installed only on the local workstation, then some macro commands do not work the way you might expect. For example, when a program is loaded on the Citrix/WTS server, the workstation may display the window and window title of the program but since what is being shown on the workstation is actually an image of what is happening on the server, commands like Wait for Window Title and Activate Window do not work with program windows that are running on the server.

If Keyboard Express is installed on both the Citrix/WTS server and the local workstation, you have to be careful that your macros do not conflict. Further, the macros that are running on server still cannot load programs that are installed on the workstation and macros that are running on the local workstation may not use certain macro commands.