Clipboard Usage

The clipboard is an option that can be applied to any macro. The option is selected in the Keyboard Express - Editor. The clipboard option should only be used for Text Insertion. When the clipboard option is used, the complete text of the macro is sent to the clipboard and then pasted into the current application immediately. Placing macro commands such as repeat, delay, pause, activate, etc. will not work with the clipboard and should not be used. In the macro these commands are treated as text, not as commands, and will be copied directly to the clipboard as text.

Clipboard Advantages

1.Text replacement is very quick for large strings of text.

2.Special symbol characters such as the copyright notice which cannot be created with the keyboard will be pasted into the active program.

3.No need to worry about timing problems as discussed in the Delays topic.

Clipboard Disadvantages

1.Macro commands such as repeat, delay, pause, activate, date, time, etc. will not work.

2.The clipboard option may not work in all programs. If a program does not support the clipboard, then the Keyboard Express clipboard method will not work.

3.Any previous content saved to the clipboard will be lost.

Keyboard Simulation Advantages

1.Works with any program.

2.Able to slow down the playback of the text if needed.

3.Supports additional keys such as Tab, Enter, Alt, etc.


Keyboard Simulation Disadvantages

1.Text replacement is noticeably slower for large blocks of text.

2.Text playback speed may be an issue as discussed in the Delays topic.